You can make a difference.
Your donation enables the adults, children and seniors we serve to learn, work, hope and achieve greater success, independence and dignity. Big or small, your donation has the power to change lives for generations. Redemptorist Center relies on the generosity of supporters to achieve its mission. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of those we serve.
““If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.””
Matching charitable contributions can be a great way to double or even triple the funds raised and will help Redemptorist Center in our efforts. Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees. Check with your human resources department to see if your employer participates and to obtain the necessary form.
Each year, Redemptorist Center provides emergency assistance to thousands through various services. But we cannot do it alone. We need the support and assistance from businesses and organizations within our community. Consider adopting Redemptorist Center as your charity of choice for your annual giving.
Throughout the year, your company or organization can implement a variety of activities to support Redemptorist Center in different ways. For example, you can collect urgently needed items, invite a speaker from Redemptorist Center to educate staff on food insecurity or emergency assistance programs, collect monetary donations, or organize a food or dignity drive. These activities are not only incredibly rewarding for your group, but also are great for team building and company unity.
For more information about selecting Redemptorist Center for your annual giving, please contact or call us at 816-931-9942.
Monetary donations may be made by clicking the DONATE button at the top of this page, or you can mail a contribution to Redemptorist Center, 207 W. Linwood, Kansas City, MO 64111.
Give the gift that will benefit generations: endowments are permanent legacies that provide significant donor recognition as well as support for our programs in perpetuity. The principal of your endowment gift is invested and the income from the investment is used to continue providing emergency assistance programs.
Deferred gifts may allow you to provide a larger legacy than outright gifts made during your lifetime. Your planned gift will contribute to the future strength of the institution and enable Redemptorist Center to carry forward the work and ideals in which you believe.
Planned gifts may be in the form of bequests, life insurance, qualified retirement plans or real estate. We encourage you and your legal/financial advisors to work with our team to plan deferred gifts.
To discuss planned giving, please contact our Executive Director at 816-931-9942.
For a gift that starts giving to Redemptorist Center now and into the future, IRA rollovers are available through Dec. 31 each year. This allows you to make a gift of your required minimum distribution (RMD) without increasing your taxes.
Redemptorist Center is designated by the IRS as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are processed through a secure site.